It is a simple and powerful formula of URBAN TRANSFORMATION, followed by VILAS and CITIES in the whole world, which allows to change spaces through actions with ephemeral and economic elements.

In this way, it is possible to TRANSFORM mere SPACES of transit or parking into ZONES of LIFE and social interaction, creating meeting places for the community and above all designed by and for children and adolescents, where they are the protagonists. 

La Región 03/07/2021

The children of Barbadás color the Rúa do Ensino

The itinerant initiative “A vila do mañá”, which claims the right of children to be able to play and enjoy their childhood in public spaces, as well as a model of a city centered on the person, left Barbadás yesterday after an intense week of activities.

Colour your city

The town or city in which we are working has become a playground, a laboratory for experimentation in which children and adolescents can act from a new point of view.

Grazas polo teu aporte