Protagonist participation in Galician literature
Protagonist participation
The right of children and adolescents to PARTICIPATE in the CONSTRUCTION of their TOWN or CITY as part of an ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, in such a way that they are participants and executors of the changes in their surroundings.
For this protagonist to exist, CHILDREN and ADOLESCENTS must reflect on their surroundings (the space in which they develop their lives), their context and propose solutions for change become aware of what it means to be a legal entitlement and the importance that their participation can have as a driving force for change in the rest of society.
Navy Bar
Este bar ten balances
E tamén está listo
pra se facer á vela
Encheron-noS O vaso
con toda a auga d’o Mar
pra compor un cocktail de horizontes
Pendurados d’as horas
atlas xeográficos d’esperantos
están sin tradución
E tatexan as pipas
c’o ademán políglota d’as bandeiras
Es cantar improvisado
é o mesmo
que xa se improvisou n-algures
Quen chegou avisándo-nos
d’esa cita noiturna que temos
c’o vento ao NE
n-a encrucillada d’as estrelas apagadas?
Eiquí bebe de incónito
o Mariñeiro Desconecido
—sin xeografía in literatura—
A noite d’os nautraxos
c’o seu brazo salvavidas
aferrará con nosco unha vela de chubascos
O vaso derradeiro
estaba cheo de despedidas
Pol-as ruas dispersas
ibamo-nos fechando
cada un dentro d’a sua alta-mar
N-o repouso d’algún vaso
todal-as noites naufraga o Bar.
Manuel Antonio
Color your city!
The city/town in which we are working has become a playground, a laboratory for experimentation in which children and adolescents can act from a new point of view.