Changing the village through protagonist participation
working with scale
“I confront the city with my body; my legs measure the length of the arcades and the width of the square; my gaze unconsciously projects my body onto the cathedral facade, where it wanders along the mouldings and contours, feeling the size of the ins and outs; the weight of my body meets the mass of the cathedral door and my hand grips the door handle as I enter the dark empty space behind it. I feel myself in the city and the city exists through my embodied experience. The city and my body complement and define each other: I inhabit the city and the city inhabits me.”
Juhani Pallasmaa
The right of children and adolescents to PARTICIPATE in the CONSTRUCTION of their TOWN or CITY by forming part of ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, in such a way that they are participants and executors of the changes in their environment.
Article 11. Active citizenship. 1. The public authorities must promote the right of children and adolescents to actively participate in the construction of a fairer, more supportive and democratic society. 2. The public authorities must foster solidarity and social sensitivity in order to increase the social participation of children and adolescents and create new social spaces that stimulate the responsible participation of this sector of the population and favour coexistence and social integration at local and community level. (Law 14/2010, of 27 May, on the rights and opportunities for children and adolescents. Published: BOE no. 156, of 28/06/2010 )

Colour your village
The village or city in which we are working has been turned into a game board, a laboratory of experimentation where girls, boys and teenagers can act from a new point of view.