changing the village through protagonist participation

Working with three-dimensional elements

“The opportunity for the child to discover his or her own movement is part of the city itself; the city is also a play space. The child uses all the elements of the city, all the built objects, all the surfaces he or she can climb or climb on. Children know how to play with these things very well, even if they are not allowed to.”
Aldo van Eyck

‘A Vila do Maña’ works with three-dimensional elements, based on Froebel’s “third gift”.
In architecture we have Froebel as a reference, through Frank Lloyd Wrigth who was educated with this method. It is a system based on the creativity and intuition of the child through direct experience, play and nature. It creates a pedagogical resource based on ‘gifts’ and ‘occupations’. The ‘gifts’ are pedagogical materials that do not change, but are transformed; the ‘occupations’ are activities in which children play by transforming the objects they manipulate. The ‘gifts’ are precursors of today’s building blocks.

Colour your village

The village or city in which we are working has been turned into a game board, a laboratory of experimentation where girls, boys and teenagers can act from a new point of view.

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