Ecos da comarca 27/06

























Silleda will host throughout this week, until Friday the 30th, A Vila do Mañá, a fun and educational bet that in recent years has been developed in different Galician towns and has also reached São Paulo, in Brazil. About 60 boys and girls will enjoy activities and interventions related to art and architecture in the morning and afternoon, and at no cost to the users.
These workshops, for boys and girls from the age of 5, from the municipal term with different activities coordinated by a personal monitor that will take place in the morning and afternoon in the streets and public spaces of Silleda will feature the work of Antón Alonso as the protagonist this year rivers The group will carry out a literary tour through the work of Mr. Afranio through the town of Silleda, with footsteps that will accompany the group in each intervention.



Grazas polo teu aporte