“The Department of Environment, Territory and Housing of the Xunta de Galicia will study the possibility of collaborating in a new educational project driven from the field of architecture and aimed at Galician children and teenagers.

This was agreed upon by councilor Ángeles Vázquez and architect Sandra González Álvarez, promoter of the educational and informative initiative La villa del mañana, which has been carried out so far in around 15 Galician town halls and whose objective is that, from childhood and through play, awareness is created about all the scales of the common space: architecture, heritage, urban planning and the landscape.

In the same way, as he explained to the councillor, it is also sought to bring architectural discipline to the world of children so that there is an exchange of knowledge and professionals can approach the vision of the towns and cities that have the new generations

For this, La villa del mañana proposes the realization of a whole series of workshops given by students of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, adapted in each case to the age of the participants and in which the street becomes a real operational space , making available to children and adolescents all the necessary tools to develop their creativity in art and architecture.

In this sense, Ángeles Vázquez celebrated that initiatives like this put the focus on urbanism, the landscape and the relationship we maintain with our environment from a very early age, seeking an active involvement on the part of the new generations in the construction processes of the neighborhoods, cities and squares and in the improvement of abandoned or deteriorated environments due to the impact of the so-called urban feism.

For his part, González stressed the importance of contact between different generations to guarantee two-way learning, since the participating children “discover what is behind the walls” of buildings in their surroundings such as, for example, the Town Hall.

It should be remembered that the Consellería has also been collaborating since 2000 with the Official College of Architects in the so-called Project Terra, a program of educational activities that takes place in educational centers throughout Galicia with the objective of educating and generating a critical spirit among students of Primary and Secondary in relation to architecture and landscape.”



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