El Correo Gallego  

“During Holy Week, all the places were filled in the second edition of this project that connects the youngest with their surroundings.

A very positive assessment. That is the result of the days set in motion to captivate during Holy Week as part of the program The town of tomorrow. An educational and dissemination project that, in the words of the Arzuá City Council’s Culture department, “through play and creativity transforms the place we live in by giving a voice to those who usually don’t have it; to children and adolescents, promoting their right to form their own judgment of the habitat in which they live and to be able to express it and make it manifest”, point out municipal sources.

The architect Sandra González is the monitor and organizer of these activities that manage to connect the youngest with their town and that have already reached several municipalities. This time the program was held on March 29, 30 and 31 and April 1 and 5 and a total of thirty minors took part in it, completing all the places called for.

With this initiative, which at the same time serves to help conciliation, “it is also sought to stimulate a critical attitude of the younger ones to promote their development as an active citizen”, they point out,

During the five days, the participants enjoyed proposals in spaces of the urban center such as Praza de Galiza, the Multi-purpose Terra do Queixo, the municipal car park or the surroundings of the Children’s School. The Councilor for Culture, Aurora Varela, pointed out that this project offers “a different, creative and sustainable leisure space that has worked on the landscape and the urban environment of our day to day life”. He confirmed that the Council “will do everything possible” to give it continuity. The first edition of A vila do morana was in September.”


Grazas polo teu aporte